We offer a money back guarantee so you can try a class to make sure you like it first! Just pay the $30 one time registration fee (per family, not per child) which is fully refundable if you decide not to return after trying it out. If you do join you will pay for the remainder of the month's tuition (including the first "trial" class) before your second class.
*note: the first class is not "free". If you decide to join, you pay for the 1st class plus the remainder of the month prorated. However, if you decide not to join, you do not pay for the 1st class*
Please use the form to the right to sign up for a try and pay class. You may choose a class that is listed as full, and we will contact you to let you know if we can squeeze you in, but it is not guaranteed. You will be taken to Stripe to pay your $30 registration after you submit!
To find class details like pricing, length, and description, please use menu bar above and click on "CLASSES".
We also have a facility in Manchester, PA. If that is more convenient please visit their website to sign up for one of their classes.
Manchester: www.ManchesterGymnastics.com